Tuesday, September 2, 2008

How Peyton is doing...Birth to 9 Months

1. How does your baby’s eating, sleeping and motor development compare to the typical developmental patterns?

Well, I would have to say that Peyton is a little behind on that. I may have coddled her a little too much. She’s healthy and seems to be sleeping well, but she’s a little slow on the developing side. She’s not saying too much and isn’t exploring too many different objects; hopefully she’ll grow out of this stage.

2. At 8 months of age was your child an “easy”, “slow-to-warm-up”, or “difficult” baby in terms of Thomas and Chess’s classic temperamental categories? On what do you base this judgement?

Peyton is a little “slow-to-warm-up to” she’s use to being around me apparently. Which actually I would like to get her to not be so attached because I want her to be more outgoing and not so shy. But sometimes you can’t help that fact so much, it’s just in their personality.She’s not really a big fan of new things and adventures, but I think I want to try and make her grow out of that.

3. How is your child’s attachment to you and your partner developing? What is happening at the 3-month and 8-month periods that might affect attachment security according to Bowlby and Ainsworth, and various research studies?

Peyton is really attached to me at the moment. I think what I’m going to have her do is spend more time with her daddy, and then have her spend sometime with the grandparents and people like that so then she can get use to being around other people other than me. I think it’s very important for her to be around me as well, but I think it’s just as important to get to know other people at this stage in her life so she doesn’t become anti-social with everyone else in her surroundings. Kids like that don’t know what’s really around them when that happens to them.


Colleen Mullendore said...

Most babies go through "attachment" issues at 8 months. It will surprise me if there are any of our "virtual" babies that don't want mommy. Sounds like you have a good plan to ease the separation anxiety.

Jamie Heller said...

I completely agree that most these babies will want mommy at this age. especially if they are breastfed.

Daniel Justus said...

It Sounds like we have a lot in common with our babies. I chose to do the same things you did regarding the attachment issues. I think it is kind of hard to take time away from the mother and baby but at the same time I feel as if it is important to make the child well rounded. Good Luck....

Anonymous said...

Someone else with a shy child?! What are the chances? lol, I'm trying to help my little girl grow out of that as well, for I too want her to be social and outgoing.